Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

belajar setting internet pada laptop

Mei 11, 2010 1:10 pm
Cara setting GPRS/WAP/
MMS/3G & setting
Handphone sbg modem
di PC/Laptop utk GSM
Langkah2 mengaktifkan
GPRS/WAP dan men-
setting-nya dg benar:
- Aktifkan fitur GPRS anda
atau 3G dg cara
menghubungi Call Center
bebas pulsa masing2
operator SIM card
langsung dr no ponsel
- Lakukan input
parameter GPRS/MMS
atau 3G di bawah ini ke
ponsel kamu, bisa secara
manual sesuai petunjuk
buku manual yg didapat
waktu beli HP atau lewat
SMS (caranya lihat di
masing2 website resmi
operator SIM card)
- Kalau masih bingung
hubungi lagi call center
dan kalo udah putus asa
gagal terus silakan
langsung datang ke gerai
resmi operator SIM card
yg terdekat utk diset
sampai berhasil.
Langkah2 setting
otomatis WAP/GPRS
Khusus pengguna Nokia:
Baca aja caranya di di

Kalau tipenya tidak
tersedia maka gunakan
cara setting manual WAP/
Langkah2 setting
otomatis WAP/GPRS
Khusus pengguna Sony
Kalau tipenya tidak
tersedia maka gunakan
cara setting manual WAP/
- Browsing di PC ke

- Pilih tipe handphone
- Pilih Internet bergerak
(WAP) dg mengklik link
" Baca selengkapnya"
- Berturut-turut ikuti
langkah pilih Negara,
Operator, Model Telepon
yg sesuai lalu klik
" berikutnya"
- Masukkan nomor
handphone kamu
misalnya 0811123456 tapi
harus kamu
ketik seperti +62811123456
dengan kata lain angka 0
harus dihapus dan
diganti dengan +62 lalu
klik "berikutnya"
- lalu ketik angka-angka
yang kamu lihat di
gambar di bawah kolom
kotak input-nya lalu klik
" kirim setting sekarang"
- Catat kode PIN utk
settingan kamu
- Siap2 menerima SMS
settingan di hape kamu
yg isinya:
1. Telepon Anda akan
menampilkan pesan yang
menunjukkan bahwa
setting baru sudah
diterima dan menanyakan
apakah ini akan diinstal.
2. Setujui untuk
menginstal setting ini.
(memasukkan PIN yang
ditampilkan di atas)
3. Telepon akan
menampilkan pesan yang
menunjukkan bahwa
setting baru sudah
Yg diatas itu utk
konfigurasi GPRS/WAP.
Kalau masih kurang
tersedia link dibawahnya
utk layanan set-up
lainnya spt:
Konfigurasi setting E-mail
Konfigurasi Pesan
Utk info penting lainnya
ttg Sony Ericsson spt
daftar harga & fitur
silakan klik di sini
Parameter setting manual
WAP/GPRS/MMS seluruh
operator dan aktivasi 3G:
Bisa juga dg cara manual
dg melakukan input
parameter2 GPRS/MMS
atau 3G di bawah ini ke
ponsel kamu sesuai
petunjuk buku manual yg
didapat waktu beli HP
atau lewat SMS (caranya
lihat di masing2 website
resmi operator SIM card).
Tapi tetap syarat
utamanya adalah layanan
GPRS sudah aktif/
diaktifkan terlebih dulu.
AXIS http://
Call Center: 838 (dr kartu
Axis anda) dan http://

Layanan 3G akan
langsung otomatis aktif
setting otomatis bisa ke

Setting GPRS/WAP
Profile Name : AXIS
user: AXIS
password : 123456
Homepage URL : http://
IP Address :
Port: 9201 atau 8080
Authentication : Normal
Setting MMS
Profile Name : AXISmms
username: AXIS
pass: 123456
mms gateway:
Port: 9201 atau 8080
mms URL: http://
Setting: Streaming
Connection Name :
Data Bearer : GPRS atau
Access Point Name (APN)
Username : AXIS
Password : 123456
Use Proxy : No
Indosat (Mentari-IM3-
Matrix) http://
Call Center:
111 (Matrix/Starone), 222
(Mentari), dan 300 (IM3)
100 (IM3/Mentari)
021 5438 8888 - 021 3000
3000 - 021 3011 1111 dr
nomor lainnya:
Fax: 021 5449501-06
Utk mengaktifkan Indosat
3G: => Ketik reg3G kirim ke
Setting GPRS/WAP
APN: indosatgprs
User : indosat
Pass : indosat
Proxy :
Port : 8080
Homepage : http://
Setting GPRS/WAP untuk
kartu Indosat 3.5G
APN: indosat3g
User : indosat
Pass : indosat
Proxy :
Port : 8080
Homepage : http://
Setting MMS
APN: indosatmms
User : indosat
Pass : indosat
Proxy :
Port : 8080
Homepage : http://
3 (Three) http://
Call Center:
123 (gratis dr kartu 3
0896-4-4000-123 dari
operator lainnya
Layanan 3G akan
langsung otomatis aktif
Setting GPRS/WAP
Data Bearer: GPRS
Access point name: 3gprs
User name: 3gprs
Password: 3gprs
Home: http://
Phone IP Address:
Proxy Server Address:
Proxy port number: 3128
Setting MMS
Connection name: 3mms
Data bearer: GPRS
Access point name: 3mms
User name: 3mms
Prompt Password: No
Password: 3mms
Authentication: Normal
Gateway IP address:
Homepage: http://
Phone IP address:
Primary name server:
Secondary name server:
Proxy server address:
Proxy port number: 3128
Telkomsel (Simpati, AS,
Halo) http://
Call Center:
111 (Halo) 116 (Simpati/
As) 128 (Corporate) dr
kartu Telkomsel
08071811811 dari nomor
Utk mengaktifkan
Telkomsel 3G: => Ketik 3G
kirim ke 3636
Produk2 layanan 3G:

Telkomsel Flash
broadband internet:
Setting GPRS/WAP utk
data based Rp.5/Kb
Connection name: APN
Data bearer: GPRS
Access Point Name:
telkomsel atau internet
(tinggal pilih salah
satunya saja)
User name: wap
Prompt password: No
Password: wap123
Authentication: Normal
Homepage: http://
Gateway IP address:
Connection security: Off
Session mode: Permanent
Kalau setting di atas
gagal maka di WAP
Profile-nya pada
Connection Type pilih
option HTTP dg Proxy
Address diisi angka nol
Khusus pelanggan Kartu
Halo tersedia paket
internet harga terjangkau
dan utk Simpati & As
tersedia paket data
prabayar hemat di http://
Setting MMS
Connection Name : APN
Data Bearer : GPRS
Access Point Name : mms
Username : wap
Prompt Password : No
Password : wap123
Authentication : Normal
Gateway IP address :
Homepage : http://
Connection Security : Off
Session Mode :
Setting Telkomsel Flash
Connection Name : TSEL-
Data Bearer : GPRS
Access Point Name : flash
Username : wap
Prompt Password : No
Password : wap123
Authentication : Normal
Gateway IP address :
Homepage : http://
Connection Security : Off
Session Mode :
XL (Jempol, Bebas, XPlor)
Call Center:
818 (gratis dr kartu XL )
atau 817 (Rp 350/
(021) 579 59818 / 579 59817
dr nomor lainnya (tarif
normal ke PSTN)
Layanan 3G akan
langsung otomatis aktif
Setting GPRS/WAP
Connection name: XL-
Data bearer: GPRS
Access Point Name:
User name: xlgprs
Prompt password: No
Password: proxl
Authentication: Normal
Homepage: http://
Gateway IP address:
Connection security: Off
Session mode: Permanent
Setting MMS
Connection Name : XL-
Data Bearer : GPRS
Access Point Name :
Username : xlgprs
Prompt Password : No
Password : proxl
Authentication : Normal
Proxy address :
Homepage : http://
Connection Security : Off
Opera Mini: software utk
browsing internet di
Utk browsing lebih enak
pakai Opera Mini.
- langsung ketik
operamini.com atau
wap.operamini.com di
WAP browsernya lalu ikuti
- atau bisa juga download
file .jar di
www.operamini.com ke
PC utk selanjutnya
dipindah ke handphone
pakai kabel data atau
bluetooth lalu install
secara manual melalui
Nanti setelah diinstall ke
hape di Opera Mini-nya
ada option settingan buat
nonaktifkan tampilan
gambar utk mengehamt
biaya GPRS Opera Mini +
kartu IM3 itu kombinasi
yg bagus krn sejauh ini
tarifnya cuma Rp.1/kb.
Opera Mini hanya bisa
diinstal di ponsel yg
support Java application
dan punya fitur GPRS/

setting internet pc

Setting internet pc pakai
telkomsel gratis
Juni 7, 2010 3:11 pm
Gratisan telkomsel via pc
Kemarin pernah post
gratisan telkomsel via
opmini, & sekarang bagi
pengguna pc bisa ikut
ngrasain gratisan lewat pc
dgn browse mozila..
caranya :
ubah setingan port proxy
pada mozilla :
lalu klik pada
configuration proxy
manual :
proxy to http :
port : 80
untuk download saya
sarankan pake apn :
adapun APN yg bisa
digunakan untuk Kartu
merah ini adl :
telkomsel,internet dan
Facebook, namanya juga
gratisan gk smua web
di akses
silakan di coba sebelum
triknya diblock.

Kamis, 11 Juni 2009

Rafly with his friends

Saat foto ini di shoot rafly,dimas,dan nirta sore hari 25 april 2009.

Senin, 26 Januari 2009

Kamis, 07 Agustus 2008

Buy an Ebox 360:Pay Plan Options

With the xBox 360 still holding strong against the new PS3, many new gamers are planning on purchasing one. The biggest problem though is the price. At between $299 and $399 dollars it can be tricky coming up with the purchase cost all at once. Luckily, most of the major retailers offer some type of payment plan that makes the purchase much easier. Here's a look at several popular payment plans for the xBox 360.

Walmart's "Bill Me Later" Program

If you purchase an xBox 360 from Walmart, you have the option to use their "Bill Me Later" program. This gives you up to 90 days to pay for your xBox 360 at the retail price without any extra finance charges. The payment option is actual in the form of a loan from Chase Bank, but as long as you complete your payment within the first 3 months, you won't be charged any interest. You have to make sure and specifiy you want to use the "No Payments For 90 Days" option when you choose to use the "Bill Me Later" program.

If you have any questions, make sure to ask the salesperson before you sign any agreements and make your purchase. Rembember, if you miss your payments or are late, the interest and finance charges can add up fast.

Best Buy's Credit Card

Best Buy also offers great pricing on the xBox 360. Furthermore, you can apply for a Best Buy credit card. If approved, you can also split your payments over 90 days without worrying about paying any interest. Keep in mind, this credit card is only good for in-store purchases, but if you don't make your payments on time it can still affect your real world credit rating.

As always, use store credit like this with caution. These no-interest finance options sound great - and they can be helpful if you carefully budget your money and keep track of your payments. Unfortunately, they also make it tempting to buy more than you can afford. You'll have to ask yourself, is it really a good idea to buy an xBox 360 on this type of credit if in the end you have to pay extra fees, fines and interest because you didn't budget well?

Paypal Credit With Ebay Purchases

If you want to get a low price on an xBox 360 and split the payments up, you might consider shopping for yours on eBay. Many eBay sellers who deal in gaming consoles also offer financing plans if you make your purchase through paypal. The details of these options vary and are only available to United States residents who pass the credit approval process. With some of the financing allowing for payments to be split up over many months without interest though, the combination of eBay prices and Paypal credit is worth looking into.

Keep in mind though, when shopping through eBay, be very careful who you deal with. Despite eBay's strict rules enforcement, some scam artists still manage to list and sell gaming consoles such as the xBox 360 with no intention of delivering them. Luckily, in order to offer the paypal credit option, sellers have to pass a screening process which makes them much more likely to be safe to deal with.

Many other retailers offer variations on these payment plans, so you'll probably want to do a bit more research to find out which one is rigth for you. The descriptions above should give you an idea of what to expect though and give you a solid basis for comparing any other xBox 360 payment plan options you come across.

NEW! You can get all the information and tools you need to make backup copies of virtually every video game you own with nothing more than a CD burner or DVD burner and your home computer. PLUS learn how to play all of your favorite games on your PC, no console, or mod chip needed!

All About Ebox 360 Mod Chip

What is a "mod chip?"

A mod chip is a tiny silicon accessory that can be installed into your gaming console. It "modifies" your console, hence the name. A console with a mod chip is also known as a "modded console" or a "chipped system."

What does a mod chip do?

The mod chip takes control of your system and removes limitations that were put on by the manufacturer. It can access all the functions of your xBox 360 that have been blocked or restricted. You can import, back-up, homebrew and bypass security features. 9 times out of 10, mod chips are used to play pirated games.

Gaming consoles like the XBox 360, Play Station 3, Nintendo Wii and Gamecube are designed by the company to only play their copyrighted games. These machines also have region codes, like DVD players, so that you can't play a Japanese or Australian version of a game on an American box. In the case of the XBox, you can't play anything that isn't licensed by Microsoft, including your own creations or customized games.

The main reason for these security features is to protect against pirating games. While most mod chip users use the chip to copy games or play pirated games, there is a small minority of amateur coders and serious gamers who use the mod chip to customize their games and get more out of playing them.

Are mod chips illegal?

This is where things get tricky. In the United States, at the current moment, mod chips are legal. But, using pirated software, which is what almost all mod chip users do, is illegal. If you buy a mod chip and install it in your XBox, you will be okay, but chipping your XBox will definitely void your warrantee. It will also keep you from being able to do XBox Live.

Mod chips are illegal in the UK, but legal in Australia. They are increasingly being made illegal in more and more countries. Although some mod chip dealers have been fined and even jailed, this was usually because they offered pirating software as part of the deal. Microsoft is dealing with the problem on a case-by-case basis, but in general they are not aggressively pursuing mod chip dealers. It's possible that they let it go on because of the small minority of those who actually use the mod chip for legitimate purposes, who say, "It's my machine, why can't I do what I want with it?"

Keep in mind that mod chips do permanently alter your console, so use at your own risk.

How do I get a mod chip?

There are tons of mod chip dealers online. Most are in the $55-$85 range, although you can find them as low as $30 or $20. As a general rule of thumb, a deal that cheap is probably too good to be true. There are lots of shady dealers out there who take advantage of the fact that there is such high demand and mod chips are hard to get. Be sure to check out the dealer before you buy. I would go with a dealer that allows you to track your order.

Installing your mod chip is another consideration. They're not easy to install. It requires soldering the chip to the motherboard. If you have some experience soldering, it's a pretty easy job. But, if you've never soldered before, this might not be the best time to give it a shot.

There are some mod chips advertised as "solderless," but these are probably best to avoid. You can also get installation kits, but these will cost you. If you don't want to do the installation yourself, your best bet is probably to send your console to an installation service and have them do it. In this case, make sure they are a reputable company. Don't take any chances with your XBox!

Using a mod chip is risky. Make sure you know what you're getting yourself into before you get one!

NEW! You can get all the information and tools you need to make backup copies of virtually every video game you own with nothing more than a CD burner or DVD burner and your home computer. PLUS learn how to play all of your favorite games on your PC, no console, or mod chip needed!

XBox 360 hard drive

One of the real limitations of the xBox 360 is its hard drive. Currently, the additional "official" 20 GB hard drive for the xBox 360 sells for around US $100.00. Most of us already know that 20GB hard drives come much cheaper than that. If only there was a way to connect other, cheaper hard drives to our xBox 360, we could save a lot of money and not be slaves to Microsoft. Luckily, there are already some hacks that will allow you to do just this. Here's an introduction to a couple of the favorites.

xBox 360 Hard Drive Hack #1 - The USB Adapter Hack

If you don't want to mess around with the inside of your xBox, you can take advantage of the 360's USB port to add extra memory to your system cheaply and easily. What you need to do is find any USB storage device, or a hard drive that supports a USB 2.0 adapter. In this case, you'll also need to get the adapter too.

Now you have to put your drive together with the USB adapter and plug it into your PC. With Windows XP, installation should be automatic, but older versions of Windows may require you to install a driver for your particular adpater first.

If your hard drive is less than 32GB, you can just go to the "Administrative Tools" section of your Control Panel and use the "Computer Management" function to create FAT32 partition on your drive. When that's finished, follow through with formatting. Keep in mind that larger drives will require a 3rd party partition software, since Windows does not support these options on anything larger than 32GB.

Finally, load whatever media you want to access with your xBox onto your newly formatted hard drive. Unplug it from your PC and connect it to your 360. From your xBox menu, go to Media, then to "portable device". You should see all the content available.

xBox 360 Hard Drive Hack #2 - The Western Digital SATA BEVS HDD Hack

Some hackers are reporting that you can format and install a much cheaper Western Digital SATA BEVS hard drive into your xBox 360 instead of the pricey Microsoft version. This requires downloading a software tool that will help copy important "signature" information from the xBox onto your Western Digital hard drive, so when you install it in your xBox 360, it won't be rejected by the machine. Besides being a cheaper option, the fact that you can install this internally is a nice touch. On the other hand, you have to be a bit of a tech-geek to do the formatting and installation. Also, you are still limited to just an additional 20GB of memory.

If this interests you though, and you're not worried about opening your xBox 360 and voiding the warranty, just do a search for the tool called "HDDHacker" by TheSpecialist.

Unfortunately, Microsoft makes it very difficult to use cheaper alternatives to increase the memory on your xBox 360. Lucky for us though, this just makes the hackers more inventive and they will likely continue to find quicker, easier and less expensive ways to mod the xBox 360. In the future, maybe Microsoft will wise up to what its customers really want and make it easier to add a hard drive of your choice to your machine. Until then, keep checking the xBox 360 homebrew websites to keep up on the latest hacks.

NEW! You can get all the information and tools you need to make backup copies of virtually every video game you own with nothing more than a CD burner or DVD burner and your home computer. PLUS learn how to play all of your favorite games on your PC, no console, or mod chip needed!

Kamis, 31 Juli 2008

game for pc

The new Xbox 360 is finally out on the market, with double the graphics quality, power, and speed of its predecessor, the original Xbox. This console from Microsoft (makers of Windows) offers a lot of new games for old gamers and new gamers alike to enjoy. Titles such as Halo 3, Call of Duty, Final Fantasy XI, and many more are what the gamers have been waiting for.

The Xbox 360 offers things that its predecessor, as well as its current competitors such as the Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii, do not. For one, previous titles from the previous Xbox version are playable on the Xbox 360, and in most cases, the graphics are enhanced. Other consoles can play games from their previous version but don't enhance them.

One thing that makes the Xbox 360 more appealing is that you can personalize it by placing skins. This would show how creative you are and would allow you to replace the monotonous look with your own personal flavor. Since you’ll probably be playing the Xbox 360 for quite a time, you would want to personalize it.

You have a variety of options available to you should you decide to get a skin for your Xbox 360. You can choose to place skins on the console unit itself, to give it a different look. Another option would to add skins to the controllers, matching the unit itself, which would give it a more unique look.

There are numerous designs available, in many different colors. You may contact or go to your local Xbox dealer and ask if they have skins, or you can simply search for them on the Internet. There are manufacturers of skins in decal form, which are easy to stick to the outer portion of the console.

You can even have custom made skins if you want. Although this may cost more money, perhaps you would like your own design and creativity to come out, so this can be a viable option too. An investment here is worth it, particularly if you decide to use your Xbox 360 for a number of years.

The Xbox 360 isn't simply a game console for you to enjoy. It can also be an artwork for you to appreciate. In placing the Xbox 360 skins, you can both enjoy the games and the sight of your personalized Xbox 360 unit.
The new Xbox 360 is finally out on the market, with double the graphics quality, power, and speed of its predecessor, the original Xbox. This console from Microsoft (makers of Windows) offers a lot of new games for old gamers and new gamers alike to enjoy. Titles such as Halo 3, Call of Duty, Final Fantasy XI, and many more are what the gamers have been waiting for.

The Xbox 360 offers things that its predecessor, as well as its current competitors such as the Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii, do not. For one, previous titles from the previous Xbox version are playable on the Xbox 360, and in most cases, the graphics are enhanced. Other consoles can play games from their previous version but don't enhance them.

One thing that makes the Xbox 360 more appealing is that you can personalize it by placing skins. This would show how creative you are and would allow you to replace the monotonous look with your own personal flavor. Since you’ll probably be playing the Xbox 360 for quite a time, you would want to personalize it.

You have a variety of options available to you should you decide to get a skin for your Xbox 360. You can choose to place skins on the console unit itself, to give it a different look. Another option would to add skins to the controllers, matching the unit itself, which would give it a more unique look.

There are numerous designs available, in many different colors. You may contact or go to your local Xbox dealer and ask if they have skins, or you can simply search for them on the Internet. There are manufacturers of skins in decal form, which are easy to stick to the outer portion of the console.

You can even have custom made skins if you want. Although this may cost more money, perhaps you would like your own design and creativity to come out, so this can be a viable option too. An investment here is worth it, particularly if you decide to use your Xbox 360 for a number of years.

The Xbox 360 isn't simply a game console for you to enjoy. It can also be an artwork for you to appreciate. In placing the Xbox 360 skins, you can both enjoy the games and the sight of your personalized Xbox 360 unit.
The Law Of Supply And Demand In Xbox 360

Microsoft Corp. is well known as a software developer and founder of the most used operating system in the whole word, Windows. In recent years however, they have tried to expand their image by entering the video game industry by releasing the original Xbox. The Xbox 360 is seen as Microsoft cementing their place within the said industry.

The Xbox 360 was just recently released to the market and gamers are clamoring over it. All around the United States and even in certain parts of the world, Xbox enthusiasts were eagerly awaiting the official launch in retail stores. Long lines were formed in some cities in anticipation of this video game console from Microsoft.

A natural concern for retailers when gamers line up for something such as the Xbox 360 is an adequate number of units to sell. Since there were long lines, retailers had to make sure they had a sufficient supply of Xbox 360 units since they didn’t want the customers to come out unhappy due to a product being out of stock. In anticipation of the number of buyers as well as the hype surrounding the launch of this unit, several retailers asked for additional supplies.

The bad news is not all retailers were able to do this. There have been reports of a shortage of supplies in some areas, especially in the first week of sales. This is because customers wanted to get their hands on an Xbox 360 when it was first released, not wanting to wait for the following shipment.

As of the present time, there is no shortage of Xbox 360 units as there are adequate supplies particularly all over the United States. This doesn’t mean to say that the demand for the Xbox 360 isn't there anymore – for sales are still on a positive note. Additionally, retailers can expect better news come 2007, the time when most of the anticipated titles will be released – which will mean more Xbox unit sales.

Now is the perfect time to get your own Xbox 360 unit if you haven’t yet. There is a high probability that there are still units left, plus the fact that you have time to get used to the better graphics, sound, and controls before the highly anticipated games are released in 2007.

The Xbox 360 supply count is now stable. All over the world, there are numbers of units of Xbox 360 available. There certainly is no supply shortage of this console.

Copying Games To Your XBox Hard Drive

How To Burn Or Copy XBox 360 Games

You can burn and copy your XBox 360 games, but it takes a little doing. It's not as easy as plopping it in and hitting "start."

There are 2 ways to copy games: you can copy games to your XBox hard drive, or you can use a PC. If you want to burn a copy of your games, you have to use a PC, and the process is a little more complicated. I'll probably say it again later, but you have to have a modded XBox to play copied games. The system is designed so that it won't play copied games, so if you plan on doing this, make sure your XBox has a mod chip first. Otherwise it won't work!

Copying Games To Your XBox Hard Drive

Copying games this way is pretty easy. You'll need one bit of software which is called DVD2XBOX. This is a totally legal piece of software that allows you to back up games, and you can get it for free online. Do a web search and you can find it. You might also want to make sure your XBox has plenty of hard drive space for the backed up games. If you plan to do this, I recommend upgrading your XBox hard drive first, so you have plenty of memory.

Once you have DVD2XBOX on your XBox, it will show up on the dashboard under "applications." If you open this software, it will walk you through step by step on copying and saving the games. It's pretty user friendly, but if you are unsure, there are some easy-to-follow tutorials on the web.

Copying Games To Your PC

This is a lot more complex, but it's the only way to burn your games to disk. You'll need more gear for this. You have to at least have an Ethernet cable, software for converting games to .ISO file, software for burning DVDs or CD-ROMs, and a mod chip in your XBox to play the copied games.

Here's how you do it: First, connect your XBox to your computer with the Ethernet cable. With the Ethernet cable, you can FTP the files and back them up on your hard drive. You'll need to do this in order to copy them. Once you're hooked up, load the games onto your computer using FTP.

The next step is to turn those games into .ISO files. To do this, you'll need some software like Qwix or ISO. Users have reported that both work pretty well, and you can download either one free on the web. They'll need to be in .ISO format in order to be burned onto DVDs.

Next, you'll need some kind of software for burning the files to DVD. Probably the most used software for burning XBox games is Nero's Burning Rom. It's easy to use and makes discs that are compatible with the XBox. Alcohol 120 is also pretty popular. If you want to use another software, just make sure that the discs it burns are XBox compatible. The specs should tell you this.

The best discs to use are recordable DVDs like DVD-R, DVD-RW, or CD-RW's. Before you start burning a bunch of stuff, you should do a test run. Burn one and make sure it works on your XBox before you go totally crazy and burn a bunch.

Now, just burn those .ISO files with Nero or Alcohol 120, and you're good to go. I can't stress it enough: Mod chips are expensive and hard to install, but if you plan to play burned games, you need one. Also, keep in mind that a mod chip voids your warrantee, and you can't do XBox Live with a mod chip.

NEW! You can get all the information and tools you need to make backup copies of virtually every video game you own with nothing more than a CD burner or DVD burner and your home computer. PLUS access our massive Xbox 360 games database and never pay for your xbox 360 games again!

Minggu, 27 Juli 2008

Open-source programs were made as aresponse to the sky-rocketing prince of most software programs some examples of these open-source programs are Mozila Firefox for internet browsing,open office for office applications,foxit for pdf file reading,and pidgin for instant messaging.These are just some open-source software programs,but you'll be suprised at what you can find when you search for them(on google for example:or from techie friend)

Dig in software download search Engines.A simple search on your trusty search engine for the keyword free software download will yield a lot of download search engines or websites didecated to these free software programs.Most of them are download search engines which direct you to the specific software you need from that website it self.It also has catagories on what purpose you need the programs for,which greatly helps narrowing down the search

Sabtu, 26 Juli 2008

Most of the licensed software programs are available in trial versions on most of these download search engines.Although there are still a lot of available software programs which have the full version utilizing Torrents.If everything else fails and you need something you can't find using the tips listed above,torrents is the last resort,becouse torrents are the most diverse and powerful file sharing built.

If you have own connection at home with a good broadband connection,this is absolutely anything and EVERYTHING can be found in torrent.Where can you find these torrents?Searching for torrent in your search engine will direct you to the most popular torrent search engines,which will help you fine the software programs you're looking for.

Using Desktop Publishing Software for Blogging.Blogging is popular online activity nowadays.People simple want to share their experiences and outlook on life with everyone on the internet.Teenagers run blog express them selves through on activity that is considered cool and in be peers.

Adult blog to share sentiment or the offer advice and guidelines to online readers.
The Verdict?
Looking for free software programs using the internet is no sweat all.With the right keyword and the right knowledge on where to get them.You'll be getting that software you need without paying a dime

Currently,many online entrepreneurs make use of the internet for income opportunities.Modern blogs provide earning opportunities for bloggers.Thus,it is logical and protical that almost all regular internet users are now aiming to have and maintain their own blogs.

But the problems is,not all are willing and able to learn how to start up the initiative.To begin with the activity,experts advise first time and would be bloggers to simply use desktop publishing software installed on their personal computers.Doing so will help make the task easy and less complicated.Here are saveral ways on how you can come up with blogs using desktop publishing software installet on your PC.

-For starters ,am using the wordprocessor.If you want your blog to be purely content-focussed and really juicy on your information,this is the desktop publishing program for you.Use the software normally and then post as blog once you get your domain

-For blogs that aren't only dependent on text.Use a desktop publishing for page layout.Page layout software facilitates the integration of images and pictures with basic text content.This if you want to pose more photos and other kind of images,this desktop publishing software is advisable for you.Simply choose the template you like,fill in content blanks and post the images and photos using the browser menu

-To use the web publishing software select the choosen template or modify existing template designs using the usual command and programs.Follow intruction on how to include and post photos,audio file and vidios.Yow can edit your initial web publication output after words.

What is the best about this desktop publishing software is that it automatically converts all file in to PDF and HTML format intended for web publishing.To make your blog worthwhile,you should also make sure that the content you will be posting is worthwhile,engaging and very informative.Desktop publishing softwere is there to aid you create printable output.Now,use them to start up your own website or blog and see how you can make difference.